
Thursday, 2 February 2012

1 Year Anniversary

Happy Birthday to the list! One year down, four to go, so far I've crossed off 260 films and spent a total of 21.21 solid days watching films (and that's just the list ones), yet I'm still 7 films and 4 minutes behind where I should be, plus there's 31 posts I haven't written yet, but all being well by the end of this month (thankfully extended by a day just for this purpose) this should all be sorted, and I'll be struggling manfully to write posts on either the day, or the day after I watch them, or maybe before I watch the next film, whichever is easier.

So, thanks to everyone who's been watching films with me (especially Aisha, I'm very sorry for putting you through such atrocious oddities as All That Jazz and Videodrome, but you should thank me for introducing you to the joys of Fargo, Monsters and Annie Hall) and to everyone who's been reading these posts, I hope you agree that they've gotten better, but fear not, I know I've still got a way to go before I actually get any good at doing this.

Here's to the next 4 years!

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