
Monday, 17 September 2012

Pre-View: Looper

I don't get to go to the cinema too much these days, so to try and make sure I go at least once a month (this month was Brave), this is a new monthly post I'll be doing about the next film to hit the big screen that I will definitely be going to see. My next assured cinematic viewing? Looper.

Rian Johnson's third film sees Joseph Gordon Levitt (who I don't like calling Jo-Go, I prefer JoGLe, or Joggle) as a hitman killing people his mob bosses send back in time. He disposes of the body, and it's like the guy never existed. Great plan, and ingenious set-up, until his next target arrives, and it's Levitt's own self, but older (Bruce Willis). As far as I can tell, the two then set out to prevent the future from running its course.

So, why am I so excited to see this film? Well for one thing I goddamn love Brick, Johnson's debut which also starred Levitt. Though I haven't seen the Adrien Brody/Mark Ruffalo starring The Brothers Bloom, Johnson's second film, I will get to it one day, but the premise of con artists being broken up by a girl didn't really grab me, whereas hitmen, mobsters and time travel is right up my alley.

The cast looks pretty awesome too, with Emily Blunt presumably playing Levitt's love interest (cue some awkward flirting with Willis), and Jeff Daniels and Paul Dano along for the ride too. The trailer looks good without spoiling too much, and there appears to be a nice blend of action and thinky-sci-fi. Yay! Joggle is having a bit of a winning run at the moment too, and the guy has yet to do anything wrong in my eyes.

However, I'm a little anxious about some aspects. Arguably, Bruce Willis hasn't made a good Bruce-Willis-Action-Movie since the 90s, though he has tried on several occasions since, and failed rather miserably on some of them (Surrogates). On the other hand, this could be more in line with the likes of Twelve Monkeys, especially with the time travel aspect, and that film is pretty cool. But the most recent starring roles he's had have been in the underwhelming Red and the abominable Cop Out, but I think this could be the film to set him back on track, alongside his smaller role in Moonrise Kingdom earlier this year. Who knows, maybe A Good Day to Die Hard will be awesome too?

Plot-wise I'm really interested to see how the story turns out, although I'm expecting the ending to be that they meet up with an even older version of themselves who came through the time travel portal (or whatever it is) when Bruce Willis was young, meaning they could be stuck in a loop forever. Please don't tell me if I'm right or wrong, and if anyone comments please refrain from revealing any plot details. Much appreciated.

You can expect my review in the near future, although the film isn't released here until September 28th, so it might be a few weeks yet. 

Expected score: Choose film 9/10


  1. expected score... ha ha.

    Let's see. I have some sort of bizarro crush on Bruce Willis. I actively enjoy Joggle (we'll see if we can get it to catch on). The premise is intriguing.

    This is one of the few movies I am looking forward to seeing in theaters. I hope it doesn't disappoint.

    1. Is this crush on him now, or back when he had hair? I'm not sure I'd understand either way really, but fair enough.

      And yes, the whole idea of an expected score is ludicrous, but when a bit about a film going in I tend to have some idea of what I'm hoping for. Sometimes it turns out better (The Avengers) and sometimes worse (Prometheus).

    2. Um, both. I'll take my Bruce Willis any way I can get him, bald or not. I don't totally understand it either, but heck, he makes me feel warm in my female parts.

    3. Hah! Can I expect to see reviews of a Brucie marathon on your site anytime soon? I'm guessing you must have loved the recent Bruce Career Draft Lambcast!

  2. Joggle has a knack for appearing in films I absolutely love. Brick, 500 days of Summer, Inception, 50/50, The dark knight rises... what a filmography for a guy barely into his thirties. He has a good shot at knocking Kevin Spacey off my personal top spot as "actor with the best top 3 films"*.

    As an aside, I thought the Brothers Bloom was highly enjoyable but haven't viewed it since it came out so can't give an accurate review.

    *This prestigous award needs a catchier name. Top three Kevin Spacey movies: American Beauty, The Usual Suspects, LA Confidential.

    1. I'd go so far as to say Spacey probably holds the award for "Actor with the Best Top 5 Films" and go with your 3, plus Seven and Glengarry Glen Ross, which are both phenomenal in my book.

      Joggle is definitely making his way onto that list though, give it a few more years and he'll be cemented onto the A-list.
